Trust Business Structure

In essence, a trust business structure is used to help minimise liability. It is done by putting a trustee in charge of the administration of the assets for it. The trustee can be an individual, a member, or even a company. They are set up like this because the trustee becomes personally liable for the […]

How to avoid the surprise tax bill

Leave all of the tricks for Halloween, we only want the treats here.Here are the best tricks (or should we say treats?) to avoid that big surprise tax bill this financial year. PAYG Instalments This is where you start to put money towards, and pay off the expected tax debt that you would have at […]

Partnership Business Structure

A partnership business structure works best when there is more than one person (up to 20 people) that decide to go into business together. There are two types of partnerships, general and limited.  A general partnership shares equal responsibility and ownership amongst partners, and has unlimited liability when it comes to debt. A limited partnership on […]

Company Business Structure

A company structure is a pretty complex type of business structure. It’s great if you are making a decent profit. A company is a separate legal entity So the company becomes likes its own person. Own TFN, ABN and ACN. When it comes to getting sued, it’s on the company and the company’s assets (not […]

Sole Trader Business Structure

The best place to start off (usually). A sole trader business structure is essentially one individual who owns and operates the business. They’re the one who is responsible for all aspects of it. The sole owner can use their individual Tax File Number to lodge their tax returns Because of this, you are not considered […]

Travel Diaries

I know this may seem onerous to think of keeping a diary when you are already trying to work while away but what if I told you that it would put a lot of money back in your pocket you could spend on your “holiday”? There is an overseas diary and a domestic diary depending […]

Single Touch Payroll

A big change that is being rolled out as of July 1st for all employers (those of you who a larger businesses would already be used to this, as it was implemented for you earlier). This is the new way of reporting tax and super information to the ATO. This means that your employees can […]