Fact Finding Form Fact Finding Form For new business inquiries, please fill out this form to give us some information to assist in setting up your profile. You may be asked to upload information pertaining to your inquiry. Name* First Last Phone No.*Email* Referre BookkeepingWould you like information regarding our bookkeeping services?*SelectYesNoAre you accounts & BAS prepared by a bookkeeper?SelectYesNoWho does your bookkeeing? What software is used? Number of staff? Payroll Period:SelectWeeklyFortnightlyMonthlyNo. of transactions per month: How many entities do you currently have bookkeeping prepared for? SuperannuationDo you have a Self Managed Super Fund?*SelectYesNoWhat insurances do you have being paid by your SMSF? Life Insurance Total Permanent Disability Income Protection Trauma Other What insurances do you pay personally? Life Insurance Total Permanent Disability Income Protection Trauma Other Do you have an Industry Super Fund?*SelectYesNoDo you have any insurances that are paid by you personally? Life Insurance Total Permanent Disability Income Protection Trauma Other Could you benefit from salary sacrifice up to $25,000 per annum?SelectYesNoCould you benefit by including up to 4 family members in your SMSF?SelectYesNoAre you interested in borrowing to purchase an investment property in a SMSF?SelectYesNoDo you have a particular property in mind?SelectYesNoLocation Estimated rent on property Estimated property price WillsDo you have a will?SelectYesNoWhen was it last updated? Do you have a current Power of Attorney?SelectYesNoWhen was it last updated? Principle Place of ResidenceAre you currently renting?SelectYesNoRent paid per week? Residential address Purchase date Purchase price Build date Estimated market value Loan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of creditPrinciple and InterestLoan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of creditPrinciple and InterestOwner 1 Name % Owner 2 Name % Investment PropertiesDo you own an investment property?SelectNoYesAre you interested in purchasing an investment property?SelectYesNoPurchase date Purchase price Build date Est market value Loan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of CreditPrinciple and InterestLoan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of CreditPrinciple and InterestOwner 1 Name % Owner 2 Name % Do you own a second investment property?SelectNoYesPurchase date Purchase price Build date Est market value Loan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of CreditPrinciple and InterestLoan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of CreditPrinciple and InterestOwner 1 Name % Owner 2 Name % Do you own a third investment property?SelectNoYesPurchase date Purchase price Build date Est market value Loan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of CreditPrinciple and InterestLoan Amount Type of LoanSelectInterest onlyFixedLine of CreditPrinciple and InterestOwner 1 Name % Owner 2 Name % Do you own any further investment properties?SelectYesNoDo you have any further questions?Tax Return and/or Financials - Can you please provide a copy of the most recent, applicable documents: Select All Personal Tax Return(s) Trust Tax Return(s) and Financial Statements Company Tax Return(s) and Financial Statements Partnership Tax Return(s) and Financial Statements Trust Deed(s) Access to your bookkeeping data file. Please send the invitation to md@superioraccounting.com.au for Adrian Hill. Your most recent Industry Fund Superannuation Members Statement(s) Do you have a Self Managed Super Fund? Please attach a copy of your most recent income tax return, financial statements, member statements for your SMSF. Do you have an Industry Super Fund? Please attach a copy of your most recent members statement of your industry fund. Please upload files here then SUBMIT this form. NOTE: When you click on 'Upload Files', you will be taken to the 'We Transfer' Screen. Note that We Transfer allows you to select the necessary files to send. Be sure to enter your Email address, any message you would like to send, and Transfer the file(s). Please do not forget to click the 'SUBMIT' button to send us your form after transferring your files. Δ